Vacation Rental Officer
“More than a job, it’s a pleasure to satisfy our customers“
Tell us about you ?
My name is Clémence GROSBOIS, I am 26 years old and I have been working at BARNES Corse for almost two years as a seasonal rental manager. Having had the chance to live abroad, in Indonesia in particular, then to visit many countries such as Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, the United States, Australia and so on … have never felt so good elsewhere than here, in Corsica. Holder of an international Bachelor in communication and with my experience in this field, I pursued my path in the tourism sector, initially in the hotel industry and continued with the seasonal rental service at BARNES Corse.
Why BARNES Corse?
Why BARNES Corse? Particularly for its international influence, its reputation, and its image: luxury, excellence … values that I like to offer our customers every day.
What is your mission at BARNES Corse?
I work as a vacation rental manager and I am learning a little more about my job every day! What I love most is understanding my client’s search and finding them the perfect home for their stay. May he be fulfilled by his vacation with us and that he longs to come back. The relationship with the owners of the villas is also very important in my work. You have to know how to listen to everyone’s needs and expectations, be responsive, available, serious and professional. There is a real work of preparation and anticipation before the arrival of tenants. There are three of us on duty, and I couldn’t hope for a better team! More than a job, it is a pleasure to satisfy our customers.
Do you have a passion, a hobby outside of your working hours?
Outside of work I have three passions that I have put aside a bit lately, I have to admit! First of all, singing, I practiced this passion for a long time, especially in Indonesia where I happened to give concerts as a soloist. And then come horseback riding and Salsa!
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