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Information on this website has strictly informative character and management reserves its right to change the content when appropriate.
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L’Agence CALA ROSSA authorises other websites to establish a hypertext link to its content. This authorisation is valid for all sites, except those with polemic, pornographic, xenophobic and other sites susceptible to cause moral damage to others.
Freedom and Information Law
According to the law of January, 6th, 1978 n°78-17, regarding computers, files and freedom, the information recorded are exclusively reserved to the use of Agence CALA ROSSA and will not, under any circumstances, be transmitted to others.
According to the articles 39 and following of the law n°78-17, every user of the website having given private data disposes of a right to access, modify, rectify, suppress, or disagree. You may exercise this right anytime by email at or by mail:
Agence CALA ROSSA Route de Cala Rossa 20137 LECCI PORTO VECCHIO